Thursday, May 22, 2008

Letters From Afar

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine (lets call him.. Hector) living in the United States told me that his brother was rejected for a US non-immigrant visitor visa. The brother owns a house in his home country, has a permanent job, bank accounts and other evidence of his intent to return home on completion of the visit. Despite providing documentation to establish the validity of his US Visa application, he was rejected.

If I had know that Hector was inviting his brother for a visit to the States, I would have given him an extra piece of advice: write him a letter of invitation. The problem with his application was the lack of resources his brother would have in the US. While he may own a home and have a permanent job in his country, neither of these things provided him with enough money to cover all of his expenses in the US. Without a letter proving that his expenses would be covered, the brother was rejected. A simple mistake and the plans fell through.

What people seem to fail to understand most about any aspect of immigration, whether it be visiting, business or immigrating to a foreign country, is that governments are all too fond of cold, hard proof. You may break down crying, you may beg, plead and barter but no amount of that will help you obtain the authorization you need if you can't prove your case. Its better to be truthful, short in your answers and let your documentation speak for itself - and keep in mind that everything takes time. Government moves very slowly.

Had Hector taken all of this into account, his brother would be with him now instead of having wasted the US Visa application fee only to be turned down. A cryin' shame... but it happens all the time.


At 7:45 PM , Blogger jackpinejames said...

If you believe the U.S. border to be difficult, try going from Morocco to Spain. North America is much less problematic, and Spain has even recieved the congradulations of the United Nations for their seeming disregard for the feeling of those trying to visit Spain.
With all the illegal immigration happening all over the world, the U.S. and Canada are still the most humanitarian. Europe is no example of fairness. Perhaps though they are an example for America to follow in some cases. This is a country to be used as an example of freedom for the average citizen.

At 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me gustaria hacer una pregunta rara.Tengo un amigo transexual que vive en Filipinas que quiere casarse con una amigo que vive en canada,me gustaria saber que requisitos necesita para hacer esto,Doy por supuesto que viajará con visa de turista,pero con un problema añadido,sin dinero,a no ser que su amigo de Canada,haga una invitacion y corra con todos los gastos y supongo que debera de tener un pasaje de ida y vuelta a Filipinas,supongo que esto del pasage sera necesario en cualquier caso.Saludos.

At 7:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to ask a question rara.Tengo a transsexual friend who lives in the Philippines who wants to marry a friend who lives in canada, I'd like to know what requirements you need to do this, I assume that you travel with a tourist visa, but with a problem added, without money, unless his friend from Canada, make an invitation and bear all costs and I guess it must have a return ticket to the Philippines, I guess that the passage will be necessary in any caso.Greetings .

At 12:26 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

i went to egypt and merried a wonderful man i met on the internet a year and a half ago ...he is a great dad and he is a family man he is respecful and careing ...and egypt was a wonderful place ..people there were nice ..very respect full ..out going to make you feel welcome ..i loved egypt and the people i met ....god bless egypt ... i miss my husbend ..but i am working on getting him here with me ...with GODS help ....and love ...he will soon be with me if you ever wish to visit a wonderful place ..go to egypt ...the sights were breath takeing ...and people so nice ..wanda

At 10:51 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

As per me, Immigroup is doing really good job. Their response towards their customer's inquiries and commitment is amazing. So, anyone can relay on them for any query regarding visa and immigration services.

At 12:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I would recommed them to those who have first experience to go abroad from Canada. There are certian things which normaly most of the poeple dont know while appling for any visa and immigration docs. So, if you want to avoide rejecttions which is a normal thing then you have to hire them

At 2:02 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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