Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sponsoring Children: Application rejected

The following is an email our office recieved from an individual named Lam. She had filed a Sponsorship application at the Canadian embassy in Tehran, Iran. Her application for sponsoring her 3 children was rejected.

Bruce, an Immigration Consultant in good standing with CSIC, provides his opinion as well


Dear Bruce,
My application has been rejected and I don’t think it is
right. The story is, I sponsored my three children to join me from Iran last
year. The reply I received after submitting the application was positive.
Nonetheless, when they went for the interview in Iran, the entire application
has been rejected simply because my eldest daughter was independent. She is of
age and she is doing her own thing. I did not expect the embassy at the foreign
country to come up with something like this. My
daughter is not twenty-two
years yet. She will soon be but at the moment she is not and plus she is not
married. Do you think Immigration has the right to reject this application even
though the Canadian Immigration have approved of my sponsoring all my three



At 10:51 AM , Blogger immiGroup said...

Bruce's Opinion:

Dear Lam,
You are confusing two issues: immigration’s approval of you to sponsor based on your own status and whether or not the three children can be sponsored. With the very few facts you have given me, I believe Immigration is wrong to deny the sponsorship of all three children but I do not know all the facts. In any event, you will have the right to appeal this decision and should hear about this shortly from the Visa office.



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